Article Page
With any media site, the article page is the most trafficked by users. We defined a list of features, some new, some old, to build out in the design system
- Top-of-article elements and hierarchy to increase trust, benefit SEO, and navigate articles (when applicable).
Original top-of-article designNew top-of-article design
The new top-or-article design took about 1 less on mobile to get to the start of the article to begin reading, the user’s intent for coming to this page.The original top-of-article design used a lot of space for information that users tend to consciously scroll past quickly to get to the article.The new top-of-article design allowed users to get to the article sooner by decreasing the amount of space required elements occupied. We were able to add new share features and platforms. - Sharability to more platforms, especially Discord, where DoubleBlind hosts their paid, members-only community.
- Enhanced readability by addressing available viewport and accessibility concerns.
We increased the available viewport for a better, less overwhelming reading experience as a user scrolled throught the article and its in-line elements.DoubleBlind’s color palette is core to its brand tone. We knew we didn’t need or want to overhaul the palette; it mostly met current accessibility standards. However, we had feedback that some users found it difficult to read. Noting upcoming updates to accessibility standards and to provide a more consistent reading experience, we limited the color usage to the top of the article elements, ending with the TOC, which is set to become sticky soon.
- In-article features for related FAQs, How-to’s, Loved this article, etc.
- End-of-article features to surface editorial standards, legal notifications, and harm reduction information.